Wednesday, February 29, 2012

california design & lacma

People in Los Angeles refer to the residents of Orange County as living behind the Orange Curtain.  It’s true. We really don’t get out much. In my youth, I went to concerts and plays in L.A. and had friends up in L.A. as well. Now, not only has the O.C. improved its restaurants and entertainment, but the traffic to Los Angeles has become ridiculous. A 45 minute trip can take an hour and a half.

A couple of Sundays ago my reluctance to travel beyond my zip code was over whelmed by my need to see the “Living in a Modern Way” exhibit at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) -- because it is ending in March. I called my mom, “I am driving up to LACMA to see the modern design exhibit in thirty minutes; do you want to come?”

We are cut from the same cloth. She replied without hesitating, “I’m in.”

Within two hours, we found ourselves wandering around the most amazing exhibit of modern art, furniture, kitchen objects, plans, prints, clothing, stationery and rooms – that I have ever seen. I quote from the flyer I received promoting the exhibit six months back, “Filled with important mid-century design by Saul Bass, Charles and Ray Eames, Richard Neutra, R. M.Schindler, and many other luminaries, California Design not only traces how these artists defined an era, but also how their work shaped the way we live today. Even more amazing is that they all were inspired by the very place we call home.”

The exhibit was more than worth the drive. Mom agreed.

Cool  exhibit entrance with Airstream

Love the black chair

Vanity is stunning

It struck me that this house is cock-eyed on the lot like our house

Just so cool

Very Danish modern, another phase I have gone through

This house has the skinny glass panels right under the roof line like our house.

Sporty Studebaker from  South Bend Indiana - nod to my Mom, near her birthplace

Cool concrete fence; this is what should go outside the big bathroom window, I actually found the rest of the set online for sale by an art dealer. They want $8K per post. Gulp. But not crazy. Don't worry Albert, I won't do it.

Another screen idea, my mom also suggested standing surfboards,
a cool idea too but no one surfs so it wouldn't make sense.

The cabinets and counter look a lot like our new bathroom

Tight grouping. Love.

I loved the trunk. Also have been searching online for this designer but to no avail.
Mabel and Milon Hutchinson of Corona, CA.

Crazy mobile

Poster by John VanHamersveld (his son Jann worked with us for awhile)
A Frida from the exhibit next door, In Wonderland. We enjoyed the female surrealists as well.

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